Sunday, November 30, 2014

Edie Faye, Week Six

Edie giggled this week! Eeee my heart can hardly take such joy :) She's definitely found her hands and is constantly sucking on them when she's not eating--so far our goal to not really use a pacifier is working! She kicks like crazy in the bath and pushes herself in her little tub away from the big bathtub wall with her feet--we might have a swimmer on our hands! She's also turning her head toward us when we talk to her and seeming more like a little adult every day. Sometimes I almost expect her to say "I love you, too" back to me, but she just smiles (which is just the sweetest response--love her gummy grin!) I'm starting to think she's going to have a pretty spunky personality. Also, she's suddenly balding, but only on the top of her head. Uncle Jake (in the last photo) said she looks like Red Foreman from That 70's Show (thanks, brother!).

Edie baby, you are more fun every day! Waking up to you and realizing I really get to be your mommy every day is a dream. I can't decide if I love watching you sleep, holding my hand on your tummy so you don't kick yourself right out of your tub in the bath, or hearing you talk more--every little thing you do makes me so happy and so proud! I love you so much, pretty babe.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful this little turkey let mommy get a few photos before she pooped all up her dress :)

Have the happiest evening, friends!


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Christmas Decorating Date

Tonight is the night, my friends--Daniel, Edie and I have big plans to drag the Christmas decorations out of the attic and find homes for them in our new house. I am so excited!

I'm also pretty pumped about our new stockings that came in a couple of days ago--I'm just having a hard time believing we're now "Dad" and "Mom" around this house! :) I figured that meant it was time to invest in some nice family stockings instead of mini ones from the dollar section at Target (which is wonderful--not knocking it!), like we used last year.

I hope you're gearing up for a beautiful holiday weekend, too!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Christmas Card Photos

It's been a little warmer than usual the past few days, so I thought it'd be a good idea to go ahead and try to snap a quick family photo for our Christmas card. I somehow forgot that nothing is quick with a one month old, but after driving to the Fayetteville square (they put up awesome lights every year!) with a screaming baby, doing squats with her on the street corner until she calmed down and then again between each photo attempt, getting back in the car to warm up and starting all over again, we ended up with two options.

Needless to say we have way more outtakes than frame-worthy family photos from this little Christmas light adventure.  Here's a more accurate depiction of Edie's face in 99% of the pictures.

Hahaha family photos with a newborn, man. Quite a challenge.

Merry one month til Christmas!


Monday, November 24, 2014

Christmas Card Shopping at Minted

I am way too excited for our first Christmas season with our little love, so I started the search for the perfect Christmas card a little early.  With Thanksgiving this week I thought I'd share a few beautiful options from one of my favorite card companies, Minted. They're having a 15% off sale though tomorrow!

Who doesn't love getting pretty mail?


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Edie Faye, Week Five

This week Edie had her first bath in the tub, passed her hearing screen, and smiled so much my heart feels like it could explode :) 

Oh, Eden, I love you so. I can't believe I get to be your mommy and spend all your earliest moments with you. You're asleep in the crook of my left arm as I type this, and I'm falling more in love with you with every flutter of your pretty little eyelashes. I praise the Lord for your life, sweet one.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Thanksgiving Dinner Wear: Men's Edition

Per Weston's request:

We like to keep it pretty casual around here :) I'll be throwing together a couple of fancier holiday party dress guides before Christmas and New Years, though!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Newborn Necessities: The First Month

1 Boba Wrap // 2 Coconut Oil // 3 Nursing Tanks // 4 Swaddle Blankets // 

1// My wrap has been priceless this past month--baby wearing has been pretty much the only way I've been able to get out of bed. Girl is a little high maintenance--she likes mommy to be holding her at all times. And I don't mind it one bit because I know these days will soon be a memory, but it is nice to be able to go for a walk, swiffer the floor or get some laundry done while Daniel is at work.  My only regret is waiting until almost two weeks in to learn to tie the wrap--I was a little intimidated at first but it's really easy and Edie falls right to sleep in it!

2// Is there anything coconut oil CAN'T do? Future mommas, you'll want to have this in your hospital/birth center bag--it's awesome for making meconium (baby's first few poops are black, tarry, and super sticky) clean up a breeze. And this past week we've been using it for the babe's dry scalp--it works well and smells awesome, too!

3// At home I kind of just wear whatever--it's been a month of, "What sweatpants and tshirt do I feel like getting spit up/pee/poop on today?" But these tanks have been perfect for the few occasions I've had to leave the house, mostly for doctors appointments--I don't want to pull up my entire shirt in public, so these are awesome.

4// SO soft, lightweight, and beautiful! Girl doesn't always like being swaddled, but when she does, she looks so lovely!

5// Don't really need to explain this one. I am so thankful we're able to capture these moments!

6// Not the most glamorous item on the list, but these have been super necessary.  Once my milk came in, it CAME IN. And then wanted to come out. Okay, sorry for being gross. :)
7// Did you know babies come out with super long nails? And that they like to flail their limbs around and pretty much claw anything they touch to shreds--including their perfect new little faces. We've used our mittens almost every day because mommy is afraid to cut Edie's nails too short, but she's also tired of collecting scratches on her boobs during feeding time. 

8// We've tried three different brands of chemical free diapers, and these seem to fit girl best. And it doesn't hurt that the patterns are super cute!
