I learned a few things this year during our little tripod photo session: I kind of thought Edie would cooperate a little better than last year (when she was just a few days old and obviously couldn't look at the camera on command), but nope--she's a busy girl and the leaves were just WAY too interesting--she wanted down to play! Also, I am way darker than my family members, so getting the lighting right was a challenge. And finally, hide the remote, Jordan--come on! (You can see it in one of the photos above, haha.)
Overall, though, I love these photos and I know they'll mean so much to us as the years go (very quickly) by. Edie is at such a fun age but still little enough for us to hold and snuggle her. So much has changed since last holiday season!
I think I love these photos even more today than when we took them last weekend because yesterday I got in some serious self care time and I'm kind of feeling like a whole new Mama this morning. I went to my first solo counseling session, ran home to nurse and play for 45 minutes, and then dropped in on the best 90 minute hot yoga class. Oh man--I feel like I went on a week-long vacation! Huge thanks to my hubs for coming home early and supporting me in getting healthy.
I'm off to make Edie's Halloween costume! Happy Friday, friends!