Sunday, October 5, 2014

39 Weeks Bumpdate


Baby Size: 7 plus pounds!

Weight Gain: Still at 17 pounds.

Symptoms: Contractions are getting more painful, for sure, just not in enough of a rhythm to be considered active labor, which from what we've learned often doesn't happen until a momma is 6 cm dilated. So we're praying these contractions are productive and my body is getting there! I've been fighting some doubts this week, though--I need to settle down and remember we're not even to our due date yet, I really shouldn't be worrying! I can't be pregnant forever, and we'll meet this babe soon no matter when she comes.  It can definitely get confusing, though, having several hours of contractions five minutes apart and then having them fizzle out.  I was up most of last night feeling more discomfort than I have so far.

Exercise: Still running, etc.,  and then after I come back for a little breakfast I'm pretty much out walking with Penny all day--partially because I'm ready for the babe to come, partially because I'm running out of other things to do and it's getting nicer out!

Cravings:  Caramel apples and corndogs--I blame all the fair photos I'm seeing on facebook lately!

One week til our due date! Due dates are kind of funny and don't really mean much, but it's still crazy we're at this point!


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