Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My Green Mattress Review

For the past few weeks we have been sleeping like kings on our new mattress. Friends, a big bed is a game changer. Oh man. I feel like I'm on vacation every night. I love our new bed!

After months of saving and researching, we purchased a My Green Mattress on Amazon for ourselves as an anniversary gift (year two is cotton, so it worked!). This mattress is made of organic cotton and high quality wool without all the yucky chemicals found in conventional beds. Therefore it didn't have an unbearable smell when we first opened it up. And it was delivered right to our door! It was rolled up super tightly, but Daniel was able to hug it and carry it upstairs to open it out and let it expand. It's pretty thin, especially compared to the pillow top we were sleeping on, but I really like that it's low to the ground because we have a very active toddler who likes to climb and fall off of things. Yes, our mattress is on the ground because of that--we prefer a shallow fall.

It's also very firm compared to what we were sleeping on, but that was one of the main things we were looking for. I've been sleeping SO much better, and because of the firmness I'm able to sleep through Daniel getting up in the morning--there is NO bounce if someone gets in and out of bed. It's amazing. I'm actually able to nurse Edie down and get up to do stuff, like blog. Which is what I'm doing right now, as she snoozes away!

The firmness took some getting used to for Daniel, but he seems to be on board now, too. It's so nice to be able to roll away from Edie to talk and cuddle a bit when we have the chance! I'm so excited to be turning our room into a relaxing haven away from everything else.

I love this mattress! And this sleeping babe :)

Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your bundle of joy and your new, comfy mattress! From your photographs it looks like she has had no trouble at all breaking it in.

    With young children I, have found owning a large bed to be extremely beneficial. Even though they may have their own beds, they always seem to wind up in mommy and daddy's bed. And despite their small size, they sure do find a way of taking up a lot of space in the bed!
