Sunday, April 6, 2014

Baby Rock: 13 Weeks

I can't believe it's only been five days since we announced the existence of this little babe! I feel like so much has happened since then.  We visited a local birth center on Tuesday and decided to transfer everything over from the hospital--if everything goes well, I'll be delivering this sweet thing naturally with a midwife! We felt so at home there--I'll be allowed to let my body labor the way it needs to and move around to deal with the pain. 

Also, this little bump started making itself at home, and it's so exciting/super weird! It was bound to happen since we're in the second trimester and I'm not exactly on the tall side, but it's still such a surprise!


Baby Size: Peach! The babe has fingerprints!

Weight Gain: Nada.  Still fitting into all of my clothes.

Symptoms: Sore back. Woke up this morning and noticed my tummy felt painful to the touch, like it was bruised.  Looked it up--apparently it's a normal sign of uterus/belly growth and stretching, which makes sense since all of a sudden I have this hard bump poking out! 

Exercise: Same, morning and evening!

Cravings: Skittles. 

Get that away from me: My nose is still sensitive, but smells aren't bothering me as much.  The morning sickness is gone, and I don't miss it!

Thank you all for the incredible outpouring of love and support you gave us upon reading our announcement--we are so stinkin' excited and even more so now that we have you to share in our joy!


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