Monday, December 30, 2013

Out with the Old

I'd be lying if I said I don't take New Years seriously.  I love any excuse to make a list of goals and dreams.  I love the idea of a fresh start, because honestly I can be kind of a dud of a human sometimes.  And I love a good reason to reflect on what I've learned and how I've grown in a specific period of time.  

2013 was NUTS in the learning and growing departments.  I permanently added on another half to myself, and before that I spent most of the year attempting to prepare to do so.  It was a big change.

My annual little reflection session changed this year, too.  Daniel sat down with me last night and we went over our favorite moments together--goodness, we've had a full year! I'll share that list with you tomorrow :)

We also came up with a list of goals and dreams for 2014.  I'll share some of those, too!

But for tonight, here are a couple of things we did this weekend to prepare for the big ONE-FOUR. 

Saturday we finished cleaning out our closet and got all this clothing out of our house.  We hope to continue to declutter and minimalize our stuff throughout this year, and I can't wait!

Yesterday we stocked up on our new and improved grocery list.  I've known about my gluten and dairy intolerance for a while now and became fairly decent at taking care of my body in the months leading up to the wedding, but cheating has become a little more frequent since the cheese-and-bread-loving boy moved in.  But, after a couple months of post-wedding Braum's ice cream bliss, my sweet man wants to cater to my health needs and go fully gluten and dairy free with me! At home, at least.  I told him he can eat whatever he wants when he goes out or eats at someone else's house.  But he's being really supportive, and I know this is what's best for me based on how my health improved this year when I was eating right.  I'll talk more about all of that later this week :)

I hope 2013 is closing softly and sweetly behind you, friends! Be safe tomorrow!


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